Peter Sjöstedt-Hughes

Dr Peter Sjöstedt-Hughes is a director at Breaking Convention and also sits on the board as a trustee. In addition to his role at Breaking Convention, he is philosopher of mind and metaphysics who specialises in the thought of Spinoza, Nietzsche, and Whitehead, and in fields pertaining to altered and panpsychological states of consciousness. He is a research fellow and lecturer at the University of Exeter where he has co-founded the Exeter Psychedelic Research Group, the ambit of which includes taught modules, conferences, workshops, and publications. Peter is the author of Noumenautics, Modes of Sentience, editor of Bloomsbury's Philosophy and Psychedelics volume, the TEDx Talker on Psychedelics and consciousness, and he is inspiration to the inhuman philosopher Marvel Superhero, Karnak. Published with Bloomsbury, Routledge, Palgrave Macmilllan, and the Psychedelic Press.