Hattie Wells

Hattie Wells is a psychedelic practitioner, ethnobotanist, activist and director of Breaking Convention. As one of the first people in the UK to facilitate ibogaine treatments for interrupting addiction, she has been dedicated to researching and disseminating information about the therapeutic potential of ibogaine and other psychedelics for over twenty years. She has worked with organisations such as the Beckley Foundation, Transform Drug Policy Foundation and ICEERS, in an effort to support psychedelic science initiatives, promote harm reduction, challenge the needless criminalisation of people who use certain drugs, and create a path forward that minimises the risks and maximises the benefits of the use of psychedelics and plant medicines.

She consults for various organisations in the psychedelic space (non-profit and for-profit), and is currently working as a psychedelic guide for clinical trials. She lives in Bristol with her two daughters.