Susannah Darling Khan
Co-founder of Movement Medicine

Susannah Darling Khan is the co-founder of Movement Medicine, along with her husband, Ya’Acov Darling Khan. She is co-author of Movement Medicine published by Hay House. Susannah has taught movement as medicine for over 30 years. Her background is Anthropology, Gestalt Psychotherapy and Family Constellations.

Susannah has travelled the world encouraging people to move beyond their held patterns and self-limiting expectations - and discover themselves and their gifts through movement. She has worked as a consultant for the acclaimed King’s Fund to bring movement medicine to support the personal and professional growth of some of the NHS’ most senior female leaders.

Together with her husband Ya’Acov Darling Khan, she runs the School of Movement Medicine which has trained hundreds of Movement Medicine professionals and annually teaches thousands of people worldwide how to access self-knowledge through embodied dancing journeys. She is the innovatory creator of the Embodied Listening method for personal and community flourishing.