Natasha Anand Boojihawon
Holistic Coach

I come from a long line of visionary Souls - my ancestry, teachers and guides who have been at the forefront of shifting planetary consciousness. For the last 12 years, I have been working closely with various entheogens.

Behind this a lifetime of indigenous wisdom from the Vedic/Tantric lineage and the privilege of studying under various master teachers over many lifetimes. I now immerse myself in beyond-trauma-informed personal and professional practice. I co-founded social enterprise, Union Street Media Arts in 2008 which worked with marginalised/vulnerable youths and adults through participatory, creative programmes and alternative education. 7 years ago we set up holistic venture Earth Clinic & School.

I have been space-holding and teaching in various capacities for 15 years. I’ve trained as a Coach, Master Teacher of Energy Medicine, Master Teacher of Integrated Yoga (Himalayan Kundalini, Mindfulness and Meditation), Naturopathic Nutritionist, Vedic Astrologer and Internal Family Systems (IFS) Level 3 Practitioner with a beyond-trauma-informed edge.

I am a Programme Assistant on official (IFS) training, as well as run our proprietary teacher training programmes in Space-Holding, Energy Medicine and Holistic Coaching. I am known for running transformational gatherings, programmes and creating safe, ceremonial spaces for deep healing states and consciousness expansion.