Jonathan Ott

Obsequies for the Psychodelic Renaissance: Non–Oblivious Semantics for the Psychoptic Resurgence.

An examination of the history and derivations of various terms commonly used for psychoptic drugs, whether shamanic–inebriant–derivatives or not. Why Psychedelic/Psychodelic is the worst possible term: it is confused and imprecise; etymologically anomalous; and faulty… mostly, it is pejorative and prejudices the uninitiated (such as Parliamentarians, Justices and the Neighbour down the street) aforethought, against the subject! Psychedelic/Psychodelic is in fact a synonym of Hallucinogen[ic] and Psychotomimetic; is not a synonym for Entheogen[ic]; and there is no general agreement as to its meaning, nor as to which drugs it encompasses.

Shamanic Snuff Tryptamines.

A brief discussion of the most potent, short–acting–tryptamines, higher homologues of serotonine (5–hydroxy–T): 1) dimethyl–serotonine (bufotenine; 5–hydroxy–DMT) and 2) its methyl–ester (5–methoxy–DMT).

Jonathan Ott is an ethnobotanist, writer, translator, publisher, natural products chemist and botanical researcher in the area of entheogens and their cultural and historical uses, and one of a group of researchers who coined the term 'entheogen'.

Ott has written eight books, co-written five, and contributed to four others, and published many articles in the field of entheogens. He has collaborated with other researchers like Christian Rätsch, Jochen Gartz, and the late ethnomycologist R. Gordon Wasson. He translated Albert Hofmann's 1979 book LSD: My Problem Child (LSD: Mein Sorgenkind), and On Aztec Botanical Names by Blas Pablo Reko, into English. His articles have appeared in many publications, including The Entheogen Review, The Entheogen Law Reporter, the Journal of Cognitive Liberties, the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs (AKA the Journal of Psychedelic Drugs), the MAPS Bulletin, Head, High Times, Curare, Eleusis, Integration, Lloydia, The Sacred Mushroom Seeker, and several Harvard Botanical Museum pamphlets. He is a co-editor of Eleusis: Journal of Psychoactive Plants & Compounds, along with Giorgio Samorini.

Ott has experience of field collecting in Mexico, where he lives and manages a small natural-products laboratory and botanical garden of medicinal herbs. A number of his ethnobotanical products have been studied to determine their possible benefits to individuals suffering various mental aberrations. In his book Ayahuasca Analogues, he identifies numerous plants around the globe containing the harmala alkaloids of Banisteriopsis caapi, which are MAOIs, and plants containing dimethyltryptamine, which together are the chemical base of the South American Ayahuasca brew.