Carl H Smith
Principal Research Fellow

DMTx to Interbeing Technologies: Exploring the Ability to Modify the Phenomenology of Altered States.

Tekhne, or techne, is derived from the Greek term technê, meaning art, craft, technique, or skill. This talk will focus on how we can explore the ability to intentionally alter the phenomenology of altered states of consciousness using different technologies. How is the relationship between psychedelics and tekhne evolving? What are the limitations and implications of the technologies that are currently being used to measure the effects of psychedelics? How much does an FMRI scan influence the phenomenology of an intravenous nnDMT experience? How can sound be used during a 5-Meo-DMT journey to help imprint the ‘state space’ on the experiencer?

Is it possible to use the technique of imprinting as a memory aid, in order to enable reactivations without substances? How will machine learning affect drug discovery and will we start tripping the trip of the machine? How can cyberdelics compliment psychedelics and act as another tool in the toolbox? This talk will also include a brief participant report from the nnDMTX (Extended State) study at Imperial College London. The continuous infusion of the entheogen arguably turns this medicine into a new form of technology. What was the phenomenology of the experience? Does the DMT ‘state space’ stabilise during the experiment? Was it possible to explore the hypothesis from Andrew Gallimore that nnDMT opens up an entirely novel, orthogonal reality and will extending the duration of drug experiences become a trend and lead to new forms of training potential?

Carl Hayden Smith is co-founder of the Cyberdelics Society and Founder of the Museum of Consciousness. His research concentrates on the relationship between technology and the human condition. Carl has also been very fortunate to be a participant of the nnDMT research at Imperial College London for the last six years and has been through all three phases, including: i) EEG ii) EEG+FMRI and iii) nnDMTx. Carl was also the first person in the world to sustain the full 5 doses of DMTx during the pilot phase of the study. Raising over £10 million in research funding, Carl has worked on numerous large-scale Leonardo LifeLong Learning, Erasmus+, FP7, Horizon 2020 projects and the XPRIZE. He has given over 300 invited public lectures, conference presentations and keynotes in 40 countries and published more than 100 academic papers. His research interests also include Contextology (Context Engineering), Embodied Cognition, Spatial Literacy, Umwelt Hacking and Sensory Augmentation.