Nir Tadmor

Towards a Transpersonal Psychiatry Transpersonal Psychologists and Psychiatrists have been researching the interrelationships between body, mind, spirit and cosmos for the last 50 years, yet there is still a long way to go until transpersonal research will have its impact on mainstream psychiatry. Transpersonal Psychiatry, rather than promoting a specific set of beliefs, is acknowledging spiritual experiences as universal human experiences and thus as a subject for a rigorous scientific research. As psychedelic-assisted therapies are reclaiming their place in psychiatric practice, it is crucial that psychiatrists will have a better understanding of the spiritual dimension of their patients' experiences. The goal of this talk is to present the core challenges that are standing in front of mainstream psychiatry, to discuss different ways of integrating spiritual knowledge and practices into psychiatric training and to shed light on the differences as well as the similarities between the Shaman and the Psychiatrist. Nir is a psychotherapist in private practice and a co-founder of a psychedelic harm reduction project in Israel called Safe Shore. Since Safe Shore was founded 5 years ago, Nir supported and supervised hundreds of cases of psychedelic crises both in musical events and in private practice. During the last year, Nir co-facilitated 9 weekend workshops on supporting extreme states, where he had the privilege to share the knowledge he has gained in the field with more than 200 people who were interested in acquiring basic psychedelic crisis intervention skills and a deeper understanding of the relationship between mental health and psychedelics. Nir is also a MSc student in Consciousness, Spirituality and Transpersonal Psychology through the Alef Trust where his thesis focuses on psycho-spiritual crises induced by the use of psychedelics. Nir is trained in a mindfulness based psychotherapy called Hakomi and for the last three years has been working as a mental health professional in a centre that offers an alternative to psychiatric hospitalisation.